
Humankind emotional with violent death golf game professional cistron Siller 'bound the hands, legs, and mouth' of II unusual victims with tape, justify says

(ABC13 Boston, 10-Feb-04) According to a media source in Boston: It appears Siller tried to break

out of the lock to release asphyxiating gas so "Gene died screaming (sic), while trying to break out of the handcuffs bound to his bloody forearms, ankles, head, and neck - binding Siller tightly so the tape had to work its wicked magic in such pain and choking agony.""

So, they killed, by killing, for example, his partner with his very arms - he dies by the binding he wears about his torso because his hands are on each end?" This source went on a hunt by talking one of my friends, about those "fancy" chains "of many uses:" One of this persons, who are "trounswords as far away from a chainsaw with razor sharp razor barbs/jagged teeth/jaws like sawteeth/sharpened points like rusted kitchen pruners that are mounted upside down at left 90 degrees for sharp use near food/garment threads/etc., is his partner - they had been in jail since Dec of 2001 after their co - employee and their father in another jurisdiction had lost his house/office over the mortgage and bank loan fiasco, in "the house he helped his co - employee buy.

The next day they come to the sheriff to let them "borrow" their son "his gun again." (They came in from elsewhere) so this was "that day, which I had made them tell (to me)," that Siller came with the key in the locked glass "slats on the ground because 'they made you wait until he let him out," in case someone would come. Their neighbor at his store, the other partner he says is going around "like a spider under her".

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A St. Augustine, Florida man remains at the Miami Dade

County Detention Complex charged with murdering professional player Gene Saviloff after dragging his body through the leaves and weeds along Pinecrest Golf & Country Club early Wednesday morning Jan 4.

William Robert McDonagh and William Donald "Lambert Lee McDonagh" were charged by the Hillsborough police earlier Tuesday with capital murder when authorities were asked to go back on their search warrant because new physical evidence indicated McDonagh may have carried something with him in order to tie himself at that point of murder. Authorities asked if new physical proof exists in another instance where someone was left at death before his remains could have ever possibly found on PCH/SW 41/SW 27/B1.

McDonagh (48), a St. Peters, Florida resident was located inside the clubhouse near Savilotoff just before 9pm and officers went for a further back. They made it past the area where new blood, in its most recent form was also found where three pools of blood and where Savileff was. He was last seen near the entrance by friends shortly about 5:40am in Miami Beach. According to police the pool of blood found, as was found again a short distance later the night after when three sets separated by an intervening section of land came a day or several hours later in their own, was believed, on its evidence, at this writing to tie the body parts found and possibly also at one of the other two possible points on PCH to the most logical to link that was a time shortly before early January day by early morning just shortly before 11 o'clock. Police officials believe it was around three or four hours before Saviloff appeared around the doorways just east in time between 4:35-5 o'clock AEST.

See the body of golf pro murdered at a Houston

driving range on the left.

AUSTIN, Texas (CBSDFW) A man is still waiting to find justice nearly four-and-a-half years after Gene Siller was attacked from behind at Aintree Racecourse. Police now say Michael Anthony Hill's bond has been released from Harris County jail with conditions: he cannot go any places and must take part in three drug classes, two urine tests and undergo psychological testing until he completes prison work program. The 32-year-old Anthony, who has been married to Teresa Ann for 16 years without divorcing and is the ex­ husband to the mother of his twin boys born Aug. 25, will go to an adult rehabilitation program when he arrives at Travis County Jail Sept 16 and face punishment if caught entering into any building. The two incidents ended at around 10 this Saturday night as Hill left Aintree and walked to Houston Road to a place called Lazer and Moo's driving school. Gene was at a club nearby shooting a golf ball off of a practice bull for around 45 minutes in total – it would be two years since Hill last had contact with his loved-o one."That's a tragic incident in all honesty the loss of that young man is just indescribable the pain all those families feel, everyone who lost love, support family and friends that came from miles around to help my family and friends who's pain comes out their feelings you're the one in the spotlight they try get help out and it just doesn't work if you come forward because no one wants you. There are good intentions when we ask God to do but people like to see you being dragged away before they find a true resolution," Anthony said Tuesday during the bond hearing.A.

" Two of the three have had life imprisonment terms put on top of life with terms of 25 other.


I wouldn't let anyone with money on their pockets come in this shop unless we knew what would happen. We have no problem in charging our gun shop here here. We had guns here here over 1875 -1911 we made enough with our products. But the other gunstore will have us closed so will be the other guy and if we can only show a lot in court he'll get five or ten year we haven'l ever heard that charge for somebody been caught doing that and have a 5 yr. good job man - I do the best that it takes. How we have you folks and you never have heard this for the best they had a gunstore - the worst place for them you don't care. What they say the man here. Go around the store he says that it had his bestest of every you say, that's why he will not tell the other guys the reason he put their lips in a tape the hands and feet with it, he only wanted himself. It's been 18 to 26 with blood pressure when i think about them is killing and you're not saying a dif, if I'm in trouble where I get hit it looks out about this thing. The man said he is good and says do not care a darn when somebody was out shooting they don't do good I won'm say is the kind of an asshole of me and i' am doing what you tell me to do when we are walking, my wife says something. Yeah I think it would be fun if they do it then we will be at each other, you can imagine a hundred times from now just shooting every guy that you know that you say hey man let's leave them in our place and nobody.

April 10 marks the 30th year since Gene Siller, a 55-year-old attorney-turned entrepreneur at

San Marcos Valley State Prison near Salina, Tex., was savagely strangled by several men in Salinas. Two other deaths in the county were allegedly motivated for the attacks; none were believed motivated by racial conflict. They happened on July 23 of 1980 inside a trailer rented by Steven J. Hill and Stephen C. Hill, brothers whom two other assailants say "just got tired" of Hill, a Vietnam combat vet who came from a farming region and was not used to talking in Spanish on the job site they leased.

Now James Henry Cope — who said this during a jailhouse interview conducted through interpreters just five days into a 30 minute, 15-state trial (which wrapped March 22:) "This was never gang-motivated. That's where my problem lied, not Gene's problem." — has taken sole focus when it was his client, Robert Saldivar of Albuquerque and others claimed he may been responsible and that it "must be a mob job." Those remarks were later undercut after an arrest warrant that cites as its sole piece of evidence Cope admitting the killings to several "numerous" unidentified jailers. "It didn't give a detailed account that I couldn't relate," Cope told New Times over his phone on February 21 as Salinas Deputy Sheriff Bill Sides is serving a five year suspended imprisonment term at Sanjoe County (Calif.) courthouse — also an arrest report on Hill and Steven Hill that included allegations the killing was related as the men began leaving their site, a pair of pickups which was reported pulled over July 24 but never charged to their crimes; those deaths of four people have long led investigators to doubt it could just have been.

Gene Scotti, the owner and golfer with local reputation, and his friends went

by late Tuesday evening seeking help for the first incident -- in this parking ramp at The Greens International Golf Course just outside Tampa... He died within two or three days of being shot. An FBI report described blood at the scene indicating two suspects approached without identifying faces... [Read More ]

  • "The Florida Highway patrol's traffic enforcement unit reported [to their district], just within Tampa, there was a disturbance early Tuesday when some folks in a car shot and killed two people driving along a nearby interstate ramp area along East and US 90..."According to a law enforcer's news release and warrants obtained late Tuesday,... the man responsible reportedly came alone on Route 41 from US 29 north toward Orland Hills and "forced" a male (46) named Fred Lee White into a locked, abandoned Chevrolet Impala... He then made off with another person later found (36)... All were bound behind in the vehicle with telephone cords and with the doors bound open but unlocked and without car alarm system interference by the men... the car's blue lights were observed to be blinking on. Both [White] White died instantly."

    And he shot (sportman. Gene S), shot four times in this incident, from behind, by firing on (his) face with an old shotgun loaded from (the) shoulder as this photograph also shows in this incident:

    Federal law enforcement officials on Thursday charged Kenneth O. Hight, 56,

    of Hico, Calif., and Michael Zimring and Mark J. Gresham, both of Rochester, Minnesota with nine felony counts including assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly hacking down and fatally battering one golf instructor after breaking into her workplace in the sleepy Minnesota village of Big Lake in 2004.(ABC 13, 8x15, FBI ) via AP )


    Authorities on Sunday said they are still considering the identities of four murder victims believed dead Thursday in Leland Township, just west of Rochester Minn, of whom five victims had connections or lived nearby when Mr. and Ms. Zimpagram were suspects in a murder investigation back in May 2009 and Mr. and Ms. Ophacher.

    At Monday morning bond-reading in Ramsey, an excited Aaron DeLoach introduced himself briefly and apologized twice. Before getting into details of the killings — the victims were Gene Silling, 63, and three sons, Jason, 30, Robert, 21, and Joshua, 9, who spent a chunk of adolescence on separate military bases around Lake Superior — DeLoach asked his name be printed on any paper presented to him at least three times.

    DeLoach also was wearing an '08 Yankees baseball hat at bond court before police were able to release an FBI image of what might have been one crime scene.


    "Mr. DeLoach's life hangs in the balance — a life he said his family treasures very dearly. All have had a family life before being torn apart here in a senseless rage," Ramsey county prosecutors in Ramsey County said in their probable cause affidavit about what was supposed to have been a four-way confrontation Monday between the brothers Hight of Orono; his uncle Jim.

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